There are a number of ways to get in touch with the hosting company whose services you are using, but the one that you’ll invariably find irrespective of which company you select is a ticketing system. It’s the easiest correspondence channel for different reasons. In the event that no customer support staff member is free at the moment and they’re all engaged, a telephone call may not be replied to, but a ticket will always hit home. Additionally, you can copy & paste large bits of information without the need to worry about printing errors, and in case a particular problem requires more time to be sorted out or a number of replies have to be exchanged, all the information will be in one and the same location, so each party can always see the comments supplied by the other one. The drawback of using tickets to contact your hosting company is that they are often separate from the hosting platform, which goes to say that if you have to provide information or to follow directions, you will have to use at least two separate admin interfaces and this number can rise in case you wish to administer multiple domains. Additionally, many web hosting companies respond to tickets after a few hours, or even once in every 24 hours, and for you as a client, this simply means wasted time while awaiting a response.
Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Hosting
The ticketing system that we are using for our Linux cloud hosting isn’t separate from the web hosting account. It is an integral part of our all-inclusive Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you will be able to visit it at any given moment with only a couple of mouse clicks, without the need to leave your account. The ticketing system offers a quick-search box, which will help you trace virtually any trouble ticket that you have opened in the past, in case you need it. Also, you can see knowledge base articles that are relevant to different problem categories, which you can select, so you can find out how to handle a given issue before you actually post a ticket. The response time is maximum one hour, which goes to say that you can obtain quick assistance whenever you need one and if our client care team advises you to do something in your account, you can do it on the spur of the moment without having to sign out of the Hepsia Control Panel.